Bux.to : Try It On, Just Do It

Register in here : http://bux.to/?r=xalimx
Register in here : http://bux.to/?r=xalimx
Register in here : http://bux.to/?r=xalimx

Make it automatic (basically, leave Firefox open, and you'll make money :D)


Install those 2 Addons
(GreaseMonkey and ReloadEvery)

4)Now, go to http://bux.to/surf.php

Right Click Any where on the page > ReloadEvery > Enable
Right Click Again > ReloadEvery > Custom
Set it to 1minute and 30Seconds. (This means every 1minute and 30 seconds the page will refresh)

5)Next, Install this file (go to the following url in FireFox) http://www.gss.org.yu/bux/bux.user.js (Greasemonkey will ask you to install the file, click 'Install')

6)Now, go back to http://bux.to/surf.php, and leave the page open 24/7 and every 1minute and 30seconds the page will refresh, and if a new ad appears, you will automatically click it.

try laa...tak susah pun, leave and earn je beb.. suruh 5 org aktif member click, sehari dah leh dpt $1, just leave and earn je, tak susah mana pun...

PS : tak kena bayar pun, just klik je, lagi pun dah ada mcm ni tak susah pun kan??


Anonymous said...


won't you be kickout, when you checkout the money?

Before they release the money they audit your account, maybe they check the traffic from your ip, and with 1m30s reload time, 24/7, that will generate quite a amount of traffic...just speculating..

what do you think?


Anonymous said...

i think they won't check all your traffic etc cause bux.to has way to many members for that, although if they do it. that would explain the huge amount of time it takes to get paid....

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